Callousness Product Disclaimer

High Risk Activity

Mixed martial arts (MMA) activities are considered a high-risk sports activity. Your participation in any of these activities is at your own risk. You agree to consult with a physician before participating in any of these high-risk activities. The use of Callousness’s MMA products is at the participant's risk. MMA activities may result in injury, disability, or death. Proper use of the equipment reduces such risks but does not eliminate or guarantee protection against them.

Assumption of the Risk

By purchasing Callousness’s MMA products, you understand and agree that MMA is a high-risk activity, and to the extent permitted by law, you expressly and voluntarily assume the risk of death or other personal injury sustained while participating in such activities, whether or not caused by the negligence or other fault of our products. This includes but is not limited to equipment malfunction from whatever cause or any other fault of our products. Additionally, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Callousness’s MMA products harmless from any third-party claims arising from such high-risk activities or any other products of ours. Purchasers, users, and participants assume all risk of injury.  Callousness cannot and will not be responsible for the misuse or unauthorized and improper use of products sold through this website or otherwise. The dummy is designed to practice MMA only. The dummy should not be used for any other purposes other than practicing MMA. Practicing MMA techniques on the dummy should be done under the training and/or supervision of a professional.

Inspect Before Every Use

All Callousness products must be inspected upon delivery to ensure it has not been damaged in shipment or has a manufacturing defect. If the product shows any signs of damage, do not use. Do not use any modified products. Products should never be modified or fixed without consulting with Callousness first.

-MMA Dummies

The dummy should be fully inspected before every use to prevent any possible injuries that could arise during use. One should inspect the joint areas of the dummy such as the neck, shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, wrist, and ankles. One should look for any cracks, fraying, dislocations, and bends in the metal limbs, bolts, nuts, welds, chains, cables, and springs. MMA equipment is well known to undergo extreme use which can eventually lead to damaged or ineffective products. Heavy use of the dummy may eventually lead to wear and tear on certain parts of the dummy over time. Executing submissions, sweeps, takedowns and all other miscellaneous techniques with fast and/or forceful application may lead to a part being broke during use. Exercise extreme caution when using the dummy in this manner. You understand that the dummy may break in any unknown fashion applying forceful techniques which can lead to serious injury or even death. You understand that improper MMA techniques can lead to severe injury or even death.

 Resistance/Retraction Mode

Callousness’s MMA dummies have the ability to be locked in a stiff anatomical position. The dummies also have the ability to retract its arms and legs. Positioning the dummy in a position that is restraining you from moving freely in any fashion is considered highly dangerous. There is the possibility of locking the dummy in a position that would restrain you from being able to move freely. Therefore, you might not be able to free yourself from the dummies position. Due to the dummies ability to retract its arms and legs it may have the ability to apply force in various directions depending on its position. Supervision must be utilized when using the dummy in this manner. Choosing to perform any activities utilizing the dummies retraction and/or resistance modes in various positions may result in injury, disability, or death.

-Bungee Cords

The bungee cord should be fully inspected before every use to prevent any possible injuries that could arise during use. One should look for fraying, rips, dislocations, or bends in the bungee cord, outside protective material and snap hooks on the ends of the cord. Bungee cords come in lots of different varieties with different lifespans, elongation lengths, weight limits etc. They will lose their ability to withstand weight held from it over time and due to use. This should be taken into consideration when using the bungee cord as there is no data to support its amount of use, longevity, elongation length or weight limits. Using the bungee cord in any fashion is considered a high-risk sports activity. Even using the bungee cord in its intended proper fashion is still considered highly dangerous and may result in injury, disability, or death.

The bungee cord is strictly only for supporting the weight of the dummy. Suspending any portion of your bodyweight is foreseeable misuse of the product. Choosing to perform any activities suspending your body weight using the bungee cord may result in injury, disability, or death. Some examples are, but not limited to, include flying submissions and takedowns such as flying armbars, flying triangles, flying scissor sweeps and variations of such. Attempting these would be doing so at your own risk.

The bungee cord needs to be ensured it is installed securely. Some people may install it to a heavy bag stand while some may install it to a beam in a ceiling. Installing it to a beam in a ceiling should be done by a professional as this method may not be as secure depending on the method. For example, some people may install a screw in ceiling hook and feel that it is secure in the wood beam. This method has been known to loosen up and fall down at times with heavy bags. A thick enough chain wrapped around the beam would perhaps be a better solution. The beam should be inspected by a professional as well to ensure it is a strong enough beam to support the moving perpendicular weight applied to it. This ideology would apply to metal beams as well.

Detachable Hanger

The detachable hanger is used to hang the dummy and have the ability to easily detach it with minimal force. This feature can be helpful for one practicing various forms of wrestling or Judo takedowns. Practicing these techniques can be highly dangerous. One should have extensive professional training before attempting these techniques with the dummy. Due to the particular nature of possibly going from a standing position to the ground in a quick forceful manner, one should practice extreme caution. One should have supervision in case your technique is inaccurate and you happen to fall and land in a harmful way. A proper amount of matting/padding should be supplied securely to the ground. You understand that improper takedown techniques can lead to severe injury or even death.

Minor Usage

Minors using these products should have constant adult supervision and full consent from their legal guardians to use our MMA products. Minors should have professional training on MMA techniques before applying them to the dummy. All cautions mentioned in this disclaimer pertain to minors as well but with extreme emphasis on the adult supervision being thoroughly educated on the proper use of the equipment and MMA techniques.

Be sure to read the manual for the product before use.